How the language emerged

Here’s the story in full. When I was younger I loved nature and all things metaphysical. All my paychecks went to bookstores and crystals. Fast forward to adulthood. Continuing my love of spirit and the unseen world I joined a school that taught Reiki and psychic work combined. This was the beginning of my spiritual community. In the“real” world My husband and I owned a business that traveled all over the nation. We were packing up the rv for the beginning of our on the road season. This would take us from California to Arkansas, Tennessee, Michigan and back to California. I had an overwhelming feeling of “Im not prepared, I don’t want to leave”. We had done this 16 times before. We are seasoned travelers. I was prepared. The feeling took me over and It was difficult to breathe. I also had the worst headache ever and I wanted to throw up. My family finished up the packing and we headed out. Our first stop was the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas. We arrived and went to work. My breathing was easier when we went on a short hike (slowly) I found myself collecting sticks in the shape of a Y. The next day we took the kids and went on a small canoe trip. I commented that once we made it through the rapid areas my adrenaline wouldn’t balance out. Like being stuck in fight or flight with no danger present. When we got back I had an urge to wrap colorful string or yarn on the Y sticks. On my Errand day I loaded my car up with laundry and headed into town with my children. My breathing issue came back so on my to do list was a visit to the towns small clinic. On the way down the mountain I got light headed and the breathing was worse. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it the short distance to town. I told my girls to tell anyone that might help us what my full name was, their Dad’s and where he was. We all asked our spirit guides to help us get to the hospital. The breathing eased a bit and we went by the entrance, turned around and parked. Kids being kids, they didn’t have their shoes on at this time. So I calmly asked them to grab their shoes and lunch. We made it to the building. I went thru a door and told a woman I needed help, she said I wanted the next door down. I shook my head, gave her my husbands number and sat down. She yelled for help and they got us next door. I thought I had walking pneumonia or a lung issue. Turns out I had Atrial Fribulation. They were going to have to transport me to a bigger hospital. My husband came and we learned a little bit about afib. To be honest I wasnt listening as I was sucking down the oxygen and trying to wrap my head around everything. He took the girls (plus laundry…got outta that one) and I waited for my first ambulance ride. When I got to the bigger hospital I was in a huge room with lots of machines. From this moment on I cried and wasn’t able to stop crying. The tears kept falling even though I knew I was getting help. The tears were coming and the I am not prepared feeling came back. I surrendered to the idea of dying I had a dream about a week ago that explained how to step out of the physical. I was open to it and i also asked that I stay for my children. I sent a message to my mentor, Carissa Schumacher. Carissa, an Intuitive Psychic Medium, told me I had lost my tribe and was connected to the Trail of Tears. I looked up Fort Smith and